While the internship provides many opportunities to be up and active, in the community, serving at camps, and much more, the majority of the time of the internship is spent working in the office. This includes a lot of personal responsibility and pacing to schedule out your time. Below is a glimpse into a few of the resources you go through in the internship, typically scheduled in a daily/weekly format:
A book written by Greg Gilbert in a biblical perspective to answer the question, "what is the gospel?"
The question seems simple and easy to answer if you're a Christian, yet so many people have differing responses. Greg Gilbert breaks down the essentials of the gospel in a clear way, allowing for deeper understanding of the simple yet profound message.
The E3 Playbook provides a series of plays and strategies to help you execute God’s game plan. It’s designed to point you to the words and ways of Jesus to help you make disciples. The E3 Playbook is founded on the disciple-making principles and patterns of Jesus, and we’re here nearly 2,000 years later because of these principles and patterns.
The E3 Playbook is comprised of three main sections: Engage, Equip, and Empower. Each section includes four biblical principles of discipleship multiplication, equaling 12 total. Each principle contains training and tools. The training is composed of key Scriptures for you to read, an explanation of the principle, and action steps that you can apply in your life. The tools are a collection of specific resources to help you live out and implement each principle.
You will work through this coaching course that teaches you how to coach beyond just physically training athletes. You watch videos and take mini quizzes as you learn about strategies in coaching to reach the body, mind, and heart of your athletes.
With the guidance of your supervisor, you will go through weekly videos, discussing the 9 marks of a healthy church. The 9 marks are listed out in and supported by scripture.
5801 S 58th St Ste C
Lincoln, NE 68516