Carrie had known about the FCA Summer Intern Program for many years, but never really considered doing it herself. But after her freshman year in college, she felt a calling to at least explore what it might look like to go into vocational ministry. Knowing that the FCA internship gave good insight into what a position for full-time ministry might look like, she decided to apply.
She was hoping that she would walk away from the internship with clarity on if God was calling her to vocational ministry, or potentially some coaching, since she had some interest in that as well. That wasn't necessarily the case. But she did walk away with an awesome experience over the summer and so much growth.
There are countless things Carrie learned in the internship, and she could list them all out here, but it would be lengthy. Instead, one of the biggest takeaways Carrie had from the internship came from gaining a deeper understanding of the gospel. This came through the resources she worked through, seeing the gospel demonstrated in the lives of the people around her this summer, constantly talking about and being reminded of the gospel, and of course, by the kindness of God in revealing understanding to her through the Holy Spirit.
From this deepened understanding, Carrie experienced joy and peace and an ignited passion to keep the gospel at the center of all things in her life.
It especially played into a second big thing Carrie took away from the internship, which was all based around discipleship. Carrie really saw how relational discipleship is over the summer. Her heart grew in this area and she walked away with a desire to simply get to know people. She has adopted the mindset that whoever is in front of her, in that moment, they are the most interesting person ever. She learned the importance of getting on other people's level and meeting them where they are at. Getting to truly know people is something so simple, but it has a huge impact, and can be used intentionally to foster gospel conversations with them, which is the heart behind all of this for Carrie.
Carrie recommends the internship for all college students. Typically, interns are collegiate student-athletes, but Carrie was able to step into the position not having that experience (although she does love competing in intramural sports!). But Carrie knows from experience that the Nebraska FCA Summer Intern Program is a super solid program, and every intern that goes through the program is bound to walk away having grown tremendously throughout the summer. Even if someone thinks they don't have interest in coaching or joining FCA Staff, you may have your mind changed after the internship, because God works tremendously when you are saturated in His Word and with the gospel day after day.
5801 S 58th St Ste C
Lincoln, NE 68516